encyclopedia of spices
the spice trade
The Spice Trade, A Taste of Adventure from The Economist is a fascinating accounting of how the history of the spice trade is the history of commerce and modern civilization.
Spices, or the Dawn of the Modern Age from Tastes of Paradise, a social history of spices, stimulants and intoxicants.
cooking with spices
Spice Advice – how to make the most of spices, which spices to use with particular foods, when to add them, grinding, storage and more.
Herbs and Spices Fight Disease — Most of us look at spices as a way to perk up the plate but are you aware of their potential to fight disease? Look here for some recent findings.
All about Vanilla – and then some… history, curing, varieties, vanilla extract, essence, powder – even vanilla salt. How to cook with vanilla. including top 10 vanilla recipes!
Cooking with Thyme – Getting the most of thyme in your cooking – including varieties of thyme, preparation, infusions, fresh vs. dried and many suggested uses for cooking with thyme.
Ginger- Fresh Flavour that Packs Heat has culinary tips about using ginger in its various incarnations.Grow your own Ginger provides detailed instructions on growing ginger in pots.
Using Oregano offers culinary tips about using this robust herb, as well as its cousin, marjoram
Getting the most out of saffron explains how to shop for saffron and optimize a pinch for flavour and colour.
Harvesting and Drying Herbs is a comprehensive guide to harvesting herbs, drying, freezing, making herb butters, oils and vinegars, pot pourris, etc. Briefly deals with many herbs individually.